Study In The UK

The UK: Overview

The UK is known for its world-renowned universities and innovative teaching approach. The UK education system gives students the freedom to tailor their degree to their needs and a world class faculty to boost. A UK education is sure to open doors wherever you go in the world. Add to that an amazing student life experience and huge international student population making the UK an even more attractive destination.

  • ✓Over 6,00,000 international students go to study in the UK every year
  • ✓Home to some of the best schools and universities in the world such as Oxford and Cambridge
  • ✓Bursting with art and culture; over 300 languages spoken in London alone
  • ✓New post-study work regulations make it easier for international students to gain employment

Know more about studying in the UK

Cost Of Education In The UK

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    University Tuition Fees

    Depending on the course you choose and the institution you enrol in, the annual fees can vary significantly between GBP 11,750 to GBP 19,750

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    Average Student Living Costs

    Depending on your city of residence and spending habits, average living expenses are likely to vary from GBP 5,83 to GBP 1,083 per month

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    Scholarships and Savings with The WorldGrad

    By completing a part of Year 1 online from home with The WorldGrad you can save up to GBP 32,750: ~GBP 19,750 in tuition fees and ~GBP 13,000 in living costs

Get more understanding of cost of education in the UK

UK Student Visa Guidance

A Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies Certificate is required from the overseas institution to apply for a student visa in the United Kingdom

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    Visa Requirements

    In addition to the Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies Certificate, you have to present proof of sufficient funds to cover airfares, tuition fees and living expenses. You will also be required to demonstrate English language proficiency based on the recognized standardized tests like IELTS

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    Your student visa will take a maximum of 3 weeks to be processed and allows you to stay in the UK for up to 2 years after your graduation. This is true for both undergraduate as well as postgraduate students

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    Post-Study Work Rights

    You are eligible to look for work in the UK for up to 2 years after graduation. Upon securing a job or the end of the 2 year period you can apply for Post-Study Work Rights to extend your stay

Read more information about the UK student visa

VIsit VISA website

Employability & Careers In The UK

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    The diversified economy of the UK has a GDP of USD 3.19 trillion which makes it the 6th largest economy in the world. Services industry which consists of many industries like finance, business services, food & beverage, entertainment and retail accounts for more than 3 quarters of the GDP making it the largest sector. Other major contributors are manufacturing, production and agriculture which account to almost 22%

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    Some of the top career choices in the UK are:
    1. Finance Manager
    2. Business Analyst
    3. Software Engineer
    4. Data Scientist
    5. Marketing Executive
    6. Project Manager

    Get to know more about careers in the UK

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    Median salary of a fresh graduate in the UK generally ranges from GBP 29,000 - 58,000

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The Smartest Way to a UK Degree

Fast-track your overseas education from one of the best universities in the UK with The WorldGrad.

  • ✓With The WorldGrad’s Smart Programs, you can complete up to one year of your degree from home.
  • ✓Upon completing the Smart Program, you move to a top-ranked university campus and complete your degree.
  • ✓The WorldGrad saves you up to INR 20L on your UK degree.
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