Benefits of Networking For Students in College Abroad

Benefits of Networking For Students in College Abroad

Reading Time 11 minutes/Updated on 22-02-2025

The opportunity to study abroad in a top study destination is one that many Indians dream about. For international students, it is exciting but also a nervous experience. Being in a new country with new people and cultures can be overwhelming. Luckily, international students can look to the benefits of networking in college for help. The benefits of networking for students can mitigate the difficulties of studying abroad.

This blog explores the endless advantages of having a good network of friends and faculty and how to build one.

Benefits of Networking for Students Abroad

Networking provides numerous benefits to students, be it local or international students. These benefits not only help students in their education and career, but they can also provide personal growth to improve lives. Take a look at the all-around benefits of networking for students.

  • Support System Away From Home
  • Improves Ability to Adapt to Foreign Cultures
  • Personal Skill Development: Confidence & Communication
  • Ability to Yield Opportunities
  • Gather Opportunities & Information About Your Industry

1. Support System Away From Home

For many Indian students, their overseas education will be the first time away from their immediate family. It will not be convenient to turn to family for every problem. As a result, having a strong and supportive network of peers is helpful.

A strong international Indian student network at the same university will be helpful to Indian students.

2. Improves Ability to Adapt to Foreign Cultures

All countries in the world follow different traditions, and each culture is unique. For Indian students abroad, networking will make it easier to adapt with the help of locals. A network of local students can easily help international students fit into their new environment.

They can also learn about the rules and regulations of foreign countries, which helps guard against legal issues.

3. Personal Skill Development: Confidence & Communication

Having a close-knit network is essential in building personal skills, especially for shy individuals. Communicating regularly with friends in your circle can be highly effective in building up character.

The benefits of networking for students are character building through college networking improves the following:

  • Ability to navigate situations
  • Improve communication skills and increase vocabulary 
  • Boost confidence

A more confident and aware character will help international students to strive for academic success.

4. Ability to Yield a Helping Hand

More often than not, networks are bound to help out each other in times of need. Indian students who are abroad could do with extra help in the form of friends. Having an immense network is a good thing as there are several benefits of networking for students.

Having a strong network does come in handy to find accommodation in a foreign country. Here are other ways to find accommodation for Indian students in the UK.

5. Gather Opportunities & Information About Your Industry

With the help of networking, students can connect with experts in their field of study. Through this, students can gain valuable information about the field, which could influence their decisions.

They can get advice on career options, market trends, and potential job opportunities. This information can very well help students to thrive in the future. Let’s not forget that networking can also be a pathway to obtaining internships almost immediately after graduation.


How to Develop an International Indian Student Network

After seeing the benefits of networking in college, students will look to give it a try. The benefits are especially appealing to international students, such as Indian students abroad. Networking offers the chance to gain access to help, skills, and valuable information.

Attend Events for Students

Events organised for students and faculty in a particular field are a great place to start networking. Such events provide a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Students can make the most of the event and gain expert knowledge.

Students will easily find individuals with aligning interests. They can choose students and faculty they want to keep in contact with. This will lead students to join clubs and groups with people with a common field of interest.

Subscribing to Newspapers and Student Groups

Colleges and universities abroad usually have an internal newspaper or magazine which offers the same benefits of networking. For students, this can be a source of information about fields and the experts in each one.

It also provides a chance to get to know and connect with people from other departments. Internal newspapers can help new students get ideas about what course to follow next to switch to.

These newspapers and student groups help students to know what is happening around them. Staying aware when studying abroad will be the key to succeeding and constantly growing.

Socialise With Professors and Faculty

One of the benefits of networking for students is the amount of knowledge to be gained. A network full of faculty and alumni offers expert advice and real-world experience. Students just starting their education can get real insights into how to ace their studies.

Furthermore, they will also get advice about what is yet to come after studies in their field. This pertains to internship opportunities, starting salaries, job roles, and more.

Indian students abroad networking and socialising with experts and experienced peers can prepare themselves for the future. They may become better able to adapt to situations as they know what to expect.

International students can also get advice for their education future, like which country Indian students can go to for Master’s.

Volunteer Whenever Possible

Putting your name forward as a volunteer to help at academic events such as conferences. Students can also look to volunteering at off-campus events. This acts as a socialising opportunity, one that offers the ability to network with people outside the university.

The benefits of networking for students through volunteering can open a student’s eyes to another side of events. As a result, they have a front-row seat into what happens behind the scenes of such events.

Use Social Media and Other Networking Platforms

Young individuals often use social media, but are they using it effectively? This should be a question that students ask themselves when using popular social media platforms.

The benefits of networking for students and the benefits of social networking align. As a result, students can use social media platforms for academic purposes. Social applications are a fast, convenient, and effective way of networking, be it personal or educational.

Another tool students can use is LinkedIn. The benefits of LinkedIn for students include the increased ability for professional networking, among many others.

Key benefits of LinkedIn for students include:

  • Ability to follow and learn from industry experts
  • Career opportunities
  • Ability to join groups of people with like interests 
  • Opportunity to be discovered based on education and experience 
  • Direct link to employers

Helps Students Become More Vocally Active

Being around people also comes with the advantage of promoting awareness and vocal ability. This means that students won’t feel shy around people, especially when there is the option to gain knowledge.

Confident students who are quick to engage in verbal communication often have a better and bigger network. The benefits of networking for students include building character and vocal skills.

Embrace Meeting New People

Some international students may be reserved and so they shy away from meeting new people. A world of opportunities opens up from meeting new people. As a result of meeting new people, students can increase their connections.

Also, meeting new people can promote self-improvement. It helps students to:

  • Increase vocabulary and improve communication
  • Learn how to conduct oneself in public
  • Get more confidence by being in public


Benefits of LinkedIn Networking for Students

LinkedIn is a valuable tool and platform for students looking to breach the professional world. It acts as a way to get the attention of potential employers, learn from experts, and join groups with students in the same field.

It is likely that students can also land their first job with the help of the LinkedIn platform. People on the platform can even become a network of connections that offers help in any area.


Why Choose The WorldGrad?

The WorldGrad is a leading overseas education provider catering to Indian students abroad education requirements. Through networking and partnerships with globally ranked universities, offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

We have a large international Indian student network, having delivered an international education to 20,000+ students. Our Smart Programs offer the ability to start the high-quality Indian students dream of and make it a reality to study in Australia, the UK, or the US. 

  1. All American Undergraduate Program
  2. All American Graduate Program
  3. Global Online Accelerator Program
  4. Global Year 1 Program
  5. UniSmarter Program
  6. UniSmarter Pre-Masters Program

Advantages of studying abroad through The Worldgrad:

  • Accelerated education.
  • Benefit from our 2X higher visa success rate.
  • Immense savings through scholarships.
  • Seamless and successful transition to study destination.

All students who have chosen The WorldGrad have experienced the benefits of networking.


Embarking on a journey to study abroad is highly existing, holding multiple opportunities. Students have the chance to gain a high-quality education and possibly get work options. However, the latter is one of the most important benefits of networking for students.

Other networking benefits include:

  • Support system away from home
  • Improves ability to adapt to foreign cultures
  • Personal skill development: confidence & communication
  • Ability to yield opportunities
  • Gather opportunities & information about your industry

Also, there are several benefits of LinkedIn for students that can be leveraged while studying. LinkedIn is also a great tool for newly graduated students, helping them land internships and jobs.

Did you know that knowing people offers opportunities for part-time work while studying abroad?


Q1. Does studying abroad help in developing an international Indian student network?

A1. Yes, students studying abroad will always look to find friends with similar interests and cultures. As a result, Indian students will make Indian friends which helps them develop an international Indian student network.

Q2. What are the advantages of network for students before travelling abroad to study?

A2. The initial first month of studying in an abroad country can be very difficult for Indian students abroad. Networking before travelling to the destination can help settle in faster and adjust to new cultures and regulations.

Q3. What are the benefits of networking for students?

A3. There are countless advantages of having a group of peers, fellow students, and professors. The greatest is the ability to get help, adjust to the culture, and get opportunities.

Q4. Why is it important to have connections in other countries?

A4. One of the benefits of LinkedIn for students includes having global connections. Having these people in your network allows for international advice, internship and job opportunities.

Q5. What are methods for Indian students abroad networking?

A5. Students can join student groups, use social platforms, attend events, get the college magazine, and volunteer among others.

Stanley Lazarus Chelli

Author: Stanley Lazarus Chelli

Stanley is our seasoned writer known for his deep knowledge of the ed-tech industry. He delivers insightful and impactful content that resonates with readers. Beyond his exceptional writing abilities, he is a die-hard petrolhead with a profound love for the automotive industry. Additionally, Stanley is a soon-to-be professional keyboardist.