6 Best Countries to Study Abroad for Indian Students

6 Best Countries to Study Abroad for Indian Students

Reading Time 5 minutes/Published 06-1-2024

According to the exact requirements, everyone has a different idea of the best countries to study abroad for Indian students. Universities, cost, course selection, and desired career path will influence which countries are the best for studying abroad. Depending on these factors, students may arrive at different universities, and this often means different countries as well. However, the point is that Indian students have the opportunity to choose their desired educational destination.

This blog takes a look at the best countries to study abroad for indian students and why they earn their spots.


6 Best Countries to Study Abroad for Indian Students

Picking the right country to study abroad will require careful consideration and assessment of certain factors. After looking at all of the factors, Indian students often choose Australia, the UK, the USA, Canada, Singapore and Germany as the best countries to study abroad.


Study in Australia for Indian Students

Australia is the most preferred destination for Indian students. This country has seen a rapid increase in Indian students over the last few years. This clearly shows Australia is amongst the most popular study-abroad destinations for Indian students.

  • Global Networking Opportunity

With an immense population of international students, there is a unique opportunity to make friends. Also, there is a clear ability to network with students, faculty, and other industry experts.

Networking has numerous benefits for Indian students, and it can be helpful in the future. Having a global network can provide support and help in times of need.

  • Streamlined Process to Gain a Student Visa

Understanding that Australia is among the best countries for Indian students to study and work, there is a streamlined process to obtain a visa. Unlike some countries where obtaining a visa is extremely difficult, Australia offers a streamlined process. A clear set of requirements makes it easier for international students to apply for and obtain a student visa.

Students who follow the process and meet the requirements can feel confident about getting a student visa to Australia.

Also read: Genuine student test for Australian student visa

  • Post-Study Work Rights

Australia is the best country to study abroad for Indian students looking to get experience straight after graduating. The country offers international students the opportunity to work legally for a few years after degree completion. Students will get to immediately display their newly acquired skills and knowledge in the market.

  • Cultural Diversity

If you want to explore as many cultures as possible in one country, Australia offers this and more. The country has a rich cultural heritage and comprises several different cultures worldwide.

Cultural diversity is evident in universities, with students representing many countries worldwide. Indian students who are not accustomed to this follow several cultural adaptation tips to adapt better.

It is also the best country to study abroad for Indian students as the country has a big Indian community. This will help Indian students who like to engage in festivities and cultural activities.

  • High-Quality Education

The country has been rising in popularity mainly due to the quality of education the educational institutes offer. Regardless of the prominence of the university, the education level is always high. This makes it the best country for Master’s for Indian students who want to get the best education. 

Read this if you need more reasons to consider studying in Australia.

Cultural Diversity-1

Top Universities in Australia

Below is a list of top universities in Australia ranked according to QS World University Rankings 2024.

UniversityQS World University Ranking 2024
University of Melbourne33
University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)45
University of Sydney41
Australian National University30
Monash University57
University of Queensland50
University of Western Australia90
University of Adelaide109
University of Technology Sydney137
Macquarie University195
RMIT University190
University of Wollongong185
University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)192
Curtin University193


Study in UK for Indian Students

The UK has long been associated with some of the biggest and best universities in the world. Many people consider it the best country to study abroad for Indian students as it offers excellent education in a country with a large Indian population.

  • Advanced Teaching Methods

With the advancement of technology, teaching methods can be adjusted to offer better education. The UK is a leader in pioneering new and better ways to equip students with knowledge and skills. Students looking for modern education can look to the UK to find it.

  • Balance Between Study, Work, and Leisure

The UK is a scenic country that offers good education and part-time or full-time work experience to students. But, when free time is available, students can enjoy the local lifestyle.

There are several tourist spots to explore, and students can venture out with friends on the weekends. This ability to take breaks and enjoy puts the UK among the top countries Indian students who are willing to study abroad choose.

  • Top Research & Advanced Studies Destination

The UK is a top destination for STEM-based degrees and further studies. Much investment is put into the field of R&D, and students can get a better education because of it. As a result, it goes down as a true contender for the best country for Master’s for Indian students who want to follow a STEM-based career.

Also read: How to Find Accommodation in the UK for Indian Students?

Top Research & Advanced Studies Destination-1

Top Universities in the UK

Below is a list of top universities in the UK ranked according to QS World University Rankings 2024.

UniversityQS World University Ranking 2024
University of Cambridge2
University of Oxford4
Imperial College London6
University of Edinburgh15
University of Manchester28
King’s College, London37
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)56
University of Bristol61
The University of Warwick64
University of Leeds86
University of Glasgow81
Durham University92


Study in USA for Indian Students

When the words ‘quality education’ are spoken, the USA immediately comes to mind. For decades, the USA has proved to be the best country to study abroad for Indian students. It still is one of the top three destinations for a world-class education.

Here are some widespread reasons to choose the USA.

  • Globally Ranked and Recognised Universities

The USA is renowned for its globally ranked universities, which are recognised worldwide. This is the top reason why so many Indian students are studying abroad in this country.

The presence of a globally ranked university will add confidence to international students starting their careers. The reason is that the choice of university is the first thing interviewers look at. Thus, education at a globally reputed university can provide the best platform in life.

  • World-Class Faculty and Infrastructure

US universities set the bar high when it comes to campus infrastructure. The sheer size and facilities available to students show the investment universities obtain. American universities are known to set the bar when it comes to building a world-class university campus. This includes modern technology and equipment to ensure students get adequate practical lessons.

This shows that American universities are heavily invested in. The USA is the best place to study abroad for Indian students as it offers modern education with excellent facilities.

  • Vast Program Options

Universities in the USA are known to offer just about every undergraduate and graduate program thinkable. The selection is so wide that students may even find a new course they would want to take up.

Students can also gain help from university counsellors to help them chart a path to the best program. With this help, students are bound to find an option or multiple ones to choose from.

The best part about studying abroad for Indian students is that there are scholarship opportunities. This allows Indian students to follow their academic dreams despite financial constraints.

  • Work Opportunities

A reading reason why many people consider the USA the best country for international students to study and work. Apart from part-time work opportunities, students are also given a chance at internships and post-study jobs.

Additionally, the large American market is full of opportunities for the right candidate. Work experience in America can be an excellent resume headline for new graduates. This can look very appealing to companies around the world.

  • Market Advantage

The USA has an immense market and is considered the best place for Indian students to study an MBA abroad. An MBA is a bright career path to take in the USA, but it is also useful around the world.

Market Advantage-1

Top Universities in the USA

Below is a list of top universities in the USA ranked according to QS World University Rankings 2024.

UniversityQS World University Ranking 2024
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)1
Harvard University5
Stanford University3
University of California, Berkeley (UCB)27
University of Chicago10
University of Pennsylvania13
Cornell University20
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)6
Yale University18
Princeton University16
Columbia University22
Johns Hopkins University24
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)44


Study in Canada for Indian Students

Canada stands fourth in the list of best countries to study abroad for Indian students as it provides excellent support to international students through its programs related to employment and education. At present, there are thousands of students from India enrolled at some of the top universities in Canada. The availability of these supportive initiatives, along with the presence of a large Indian student community at leading Canadian institutions, greatly benefits those coming from India to study in the country.

  • No Language Barrier

While Canada recognises both English and French as official languages, most of the population across most regions primarily communicates in English. This widespread use of the English language presents a favourable situation for foreigners visiting or residing in Canada. It eliminates the potential challenges posed by a language barrier, allowing effortless communication and interaction with locals throughout the country.

  • Safe and Progressing Country

Canada enjoys a reputation as one of the world’s most safe countries, offering its residents a superior quality of life. Global News ranks Canada as the second country globally in terms of social and economic progress and development. The nation’s achievements in these crucial areas place it among the top-performing countries, providing a compelling environment for individuals to thrive.

  • Multicultural Environment

Upon enrolling in a Canadian university, you’ll quickly experience the country’s rich multicultural environment. The diverse student body will encompass individuals hailing from countless backgrounds. Alongside Americans, you’ll find peers from India, Poland, Spain, Greece, etc. This melting pot of cultures creates an inclusive environment where you’ll feel less like an outsider. Making new friends from various walks of life becomes a natural part of the experience.

Top Universities in Canada

Below is a list of top universities in Canada ranked according to QS World University Rankings 2024.

UniversityQS World University Ranking 2024
University of Toronto34
McGill University31
University of British Columbia47
University of Alberta110
University of Waterloo154
Western University172
Université de Montréal116
University of Calgary242
McMaster University152
University of Ottawa237
Queen’s University at Kingston246
Dalhousie University308
Simon Fraser University328
University of Victoria (UVic)359
University of Saskatchewan473


Study in Singapore for Indian Students

Every year, more and more international students choose to come to Singapore for their higher studies, making it one of the best countries to study abroad for Indian students. The main reasons these students pick Singapore are the affordable tuition fees and the opportunity to attend some of the world’s best-ranked universities with excellent education standards. Hence, Singapore has also joined the list of popular destinated preferred by Indian students for studies.

  • Welcoming Community

Singapore has a large and active community of Indian immigrants and students. This community helps create a friendly and welcoming environment, making people feel at home even though they are far away from India.

Around 9 out of every 100 people living in Singapore are Indians. The Tamil language is one of the four official languages recognised and used in Singapore.

  • English-medium Education

The main language used for teaching in most university degree programs in Singapore, including doctorate (PhD) degrees, is English.

For Indian students, this use of English as the medium of instruction makes it easier to adjust to the academic system and learn because they don’t have to deal with a language barrier.

  • Financial Feasibility

Studying for a Bachelor’s degree in Singapore is less expensive for Indian students compared to pursuing the same degree in countries like the USA or the UK. For instance, the annual fees for a Bachelor’s degree in engineering at top universities such as Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) are around SGD40,000.

Living expenses in Singapore are lower than in the USA or the UK, making it more financially manageable for Indian students to afford their overall costs of studying and living there.

Top Universities in Singapore

Below is a list of top universities in Singapore ranked according to QS World University Rankings 2024.

UniversityQS World University Ranking 2024
National University of Singapore8
Nanyang Technological University26
Singapore University of Technology & Design429
Singapore Management University545


Study in Germany for Indian Students

In recent years, Germany has emerged as one of the best countries to study abroad for Indian students. There are several factors that make Germany an attractive study destination, including low costs, numerous opportunities for professional growth, and exposure to diverse cultures.

  • Cost of Education

Germany offers a highly attractive proposition for international students, especially those interested in pursuing a Master’s degree. At public universities in Germany, they can enroll in various Master’s programs taught entirely in English without having to pay any tuition fees. The only costs international students need to cover are semester fees, making their overall expenses for a German Master’s degree quite minimal.

It’s not surprising then that so many international students, including a large number from India, choose Germany as their preferred destination for studying abroad, given the significant financial advantages it provides.

  • Indian Community and Culture

One major advantage for Indian students who choose to study in Germany is the presence of a well-established Indian community there. Based on data from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the number of Indian students in Germany has been increasing rapidly, reaching a record high of nearly 45,000 currently enrolled.

Having such a sizable Indian student population in Germany provides a supportive environment and a sense of familiarity for those coming from India to pursue their education.

Top Universities in Germany

Below is a list of top universities in Germany ranked according to QS World University Rankings 2024.

UniversityQS World University Ranking 2024
Technical University of Munich49
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München59
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg65
Freie Universitaet Berlin118
RWTH Aachen University147
KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology141
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin131
Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin)158
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg189
Universität Hamburg228
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen169
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg340
University of Göttingen215


Advantages of Choosing to Study Abroad for Indian Students

There are several advantages to studying abroad. In most cases, there is a vast difference between local and international education. Regardless of the location chosen and the best countries for Indian students to study abroad, a clear difference is present.

The advantages of a foreign education include

  • High-quality education that is globally recognised
  • Opportunity to experience different countries and cultures
  • Chance to gain hands-on experience through internships
  • Ability to study and work part-time
  • Opportunity to gain post-study working rights
  • Self-growth opportunity to develop confidence and knowledge

Different opinions exist about where the best place to study abroad for Indian students is. However, the same three appear regardless of who you ask. These are Australia, the UK, and the USA.

Advantages of Choosing to Study Abroad for Indian Students-1


Choose The WorldGrad to Study Abroad for Indian Students

The WorldGrad is an education provider that caters to overseas undergraduate and graduate study requirements of Indian students. We make studying in top destinations such as Australia, the UK, and the USA affordable and accessible to Indian students.

Choosing The WorldGrad gives Indian students the chance to pursue their education in some of the best countries for Indian students to study abroad.

Advantages of studying with The WorldGrad include:

  • Saving of money through financial aid.
  • Higher chances of academic success through gradual transition to host country.
  • A benefit from our 2X higher visa success rate.
  • Requirement-specific Smart Programs.

Students who choose The WorldGrad can choose from these Smart Programs:

  1. All American Undergraduate Program
  2. All American Graduate Program
  3. Global Online Accelerator Program
  4. Global Year 1 Program
  5. UniSmarter Program
  6. UniSmarter Pre-Masters Program



Australia, the UK, and the USA are the best countries for Indian students to study abroad. Each one of these countries has its unique benefits, but all provide a high-quality education from globally recognised universities.

Indian students can gain a good education, personal growth, as well as international experience from overseas education. If you want to have a bright career, educating yourself in these best countries to study abroad for Indian students is the first step.



Q.1 Which foreign country is the best country to study abroad for Indian students?
A.1 Australia is the best international study destination for Indian students. It offers an affordable and high-quality education in a diverse environment for Indians.

Q.2 Is studying abroad worth it for Indian students?
A.2 Yes, an overseas education is a good investment for Indian students. This can be effectively utilised anywhere in the world for a successful career.

Q.3 What are the three best countries for Indian students to study abroad?
A.3 Australia, the UK, and the USA are the three countries best for Indian students.

Q.4 Which country has the most Indian students studying abroad?
A.4 The USA has the highest number of students studying abroad in the country.

Q.5 Which country is safest to study in?
A.5 All three countries, Australia, the UK, and the USA, offer a safe environment for international students. This merges well with the answer to the question of which country is best for study for Indian students, making the decision easier.

Deepak Shukla

Author: Deepak Shukla