Best Courses to Study Abroad After 12th for Indian Students

Best Courses to Study Abroad After 12th for Indian Students

Reading Time 5 minutes/Published 29-2-2024

Studying abroad at the top study destinations for Indian students is an exciting opportunity. However, students may not know what are the best courses to study abroad for Indian students. Choosing the right program becomes more difficult, given the immense program options. Students can refer to an ultimate guide to how to choose a study abroad program to make the correct decision. Choosing the right program can lead to a fruitful career wherever the student decides to settle and work. This blog highlights the best courses to study abroad for Indian students to ensure they choose wisely. Using our guide to programs and courses, students can make better decisions for their futures.


7 Best Courses to Study Abroad for Indian Students

Making the right decision when it comes to choosing a course to study abroad matters. It can influence the rest of an Indian student’s education and career. 

Apart from choosing one of the best courses to study abroad for Indian students, students must also consider their strengths. Students who have not chosen must look at these 6 best courses to study abroad for Indian students. 

1. Business and Marketing

Marketing and business programs focus on the running of businesses and the ability to sell and market products/services. Students who are business-minded or have an interest in starting a business can choose this field of study.

One of the best courses to study abroad for Indian students is a Master in Business Administration. One of the best places to do it is the USA. There are several benefits of studying MBA in the USA, including high-quality education and post-study job opportunities.

The USA is well-known for its economic power and reputation as a business magnet. This makes the business and marketing education in the country rich with real-life examples and case studies. 

Because of this, earning an MBA in the USA presents excellent opportunities to have a bright career anywhere in the world. If starting early, business and marketing are among the best courses to study abroad after 12th

Career opportunities after studying Business and Marketing abroad for Indian students:

  • Business analyst
  • Marketing manager
  • Finance manage
  • Operations manager
  • Project manager

2. Engineering

Engineering is a discipline that deals with the subjects of mathematics and science. But it also applies critical thinking, leadership, and innovative thinking. It also applies algebra, calculus, statistics, and science subjects like physics and chemistry skills and knowledge. 

Studying engineering programs abroad for Indian students is advisable if you also like computers. Students can choose between civil, mechanical, and computer engineering. 

Australia and the USA have excellent infrastructure and machinery in place. This makes engineering among the best courses to study abroad after 12th if choosing these countries as your study destination. 

Students studying any engineering course abroad will gain valuable information and be equipped with valuable knowledge.

Being educated in America, which offers top engineering courses for Indian students will be good. The addition of an internship would allow students to gain great insight and apply it later on on the job. 

Career opportunities after studying Engineering abroad for Indian students:

  • Civil Engineer

Civil engineers are responsible for designing, overseeing, and building infrastructures such as housing, offices, roads, bridges, and other structures.

  • Mechanical Engineer

Mechanical engineers are responsible for creating and improving systems in machinery or equipment. This includes engines, turbines, pipelines, and more.

  • Chemical Engineer

These experts deal with and experiment with substances and chemicals. 

  • Software Engineer 

Development and improvement of software through front-end and back-end programming is the task of software developers.       

Must read: How is Technology Shaping the Future of Study Abroad Programs?

3. Computer Science & IT

Computers and information technology (IT) make for one of the most popular and best courses to study abroad for Indian students. Computer knowledge can lead to a bright future with a highly demanded skill.  

Computer science and IT programs in USA deal with practical and theoretical knowledge of computers and their systems. The subjects this course covers are mathematics, programming, algorithms, data and software systems. 

Indian students who have prior knowledge or interest in coding can pursue courses in computer science and IT. Young students can consider IT one of the best courses to study abroad after 12th.

Career opportunities after studying Computer Science and IT abroad for Indian students:

  • Software engineer
  • Mobile app developer
  • IT analyst
  • AI engineer
  • Game developer
  • Website designer

Did you know the Software engineering profession is among the 10 Most In-Demand Jobs in the USA for Indian Students in 2024

4. Natural and Applied Sciences

Science programs in the USA are very popular and lead to a large number of occupation options. High-tech infrastructure, facilities, and investment in research make science courses to study in abroad valuable.

Natural and applied sciences have various subjects to major in such as Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, Geology, and many more. Students having a natural liking to practicals, research, and experiment-based learning can choose sciences. 

Science courses make good courses to study in abroad countries like Australia, the UK, and the USA. The reason is that universities in these countries invest in research and development, the cores of science programs.    

Career opportunities after studying Sciences abroad for Indian students:

  • Scientist 
  • Research analyst    
  • Lab technician
  • Ecologist
  • Biologist  

5. Arts & Language

If you are wondering how to choose a study abroad program, choosing based on personal interests is key. People who like languages, music, and other literature-based study will find their fit in arts and language programs. 

The field of arts and languages works to help students develop creativity and the ability to express this creativity. 

Australia, the UK, and the USA are diverse countries that are home to people from around the globe. Because of this diversity, arts, and language programs make the best courses to study abroad. Students get the opportunity to learn from authentic teachers. 

Career opportunities after studying Arts & Languages abroad for Indian students: 

  • Translator 
  • Writer
  • Interpreter
  • Art director
  • Curator
  • Artist

6. Hospitality & Tourism

The hospitality and tourism courses to study abroad countries focus on creating spaces in which people feel welcomed and comfortable. This is mostly necessary for the hotel and dining industries. 

The field includes classes in food services, event planning, leadership, and communication skills. 

Students who enjoy dealing with people and working in the leisure and dining industry can choose this field. Hospitality and tourism is one of the best courses to study abroad after 12th. This is especially true for students who want to work anywhere in the world.

Career opportunities after studying Hospitality & Tourism abroad for Indian students: 

  • Airport manager
  • Chef 
  • Hotel assistant 
  • Barista
  • Resort co-ordinator 
  • Travel agent 
  • Caterer
  • Travel consultant

7. Film and Media

Film and media programs are the best courses to study abroad for Indian students who enjoy making media. This discipline deals with all the processes involved in conceptualisation, producing, and promoting all types of media. 

Career opportunities after studying Film and Media abroad for Indian students: 

  • Film producer
  • Editor 
  • Journalist
  • Copywriter
  • Film co-ordinator 
  • Costume designer

This field makes up some of the most unique courses to study abroad as they are not courses you find everywhere. Also, students need to have a personal preference for them if they consider studying them.


Choose The WorldGrad for the Best Courses to Study Abroad

The WorldGrad caters to Indian students looking to study abroad in Australia, the UK, and the USA. We partner with top-ranked universities that are globally recognised.

Indian students who want the opportunity to experience top education and courses to study abroad countries. We have 6 specially curated Smart Programs for Indian students to study abroad. 

  • All American Undergraduate Program
  • All American Graduate Program
  • Global Online Accelerator Program
  • Global Year 1 Program
  • UniSmarter Program
  • UniSmarter Pre-Masters Program 

Benefits of choosing The WorldGrad include:

  • Cost savings through scholarships
  • Accelerated education, earn up to 9 credits in just 2 to 3 months 
  • Multiple intakes for several programs
  • Opportunity to smoothly transition to host country 
  • 1-on-1 tutorship



Knowing what are the best courses to study abroad for Indian students gives students more knowledge about programs. This ultimate guide to programs shows the most popular programs and the career opportunities they provide. 

Business and Marketing, Engineering, Computer Science and IT, Natural and Applied Sciences, Hospitality & Tourism, Arts and Language, and Film and Media present the best courses to study abroad for Indian students.



Q.1 What are the best courses to study abroad?
A.1 The best courses to study can be predicated on their global demand are Business and Marketing, Engineering, Computer Science and IT, Natural and Applied Sciences, Hospitality & Tourism, Arts and Language, and Film and Media courses.

Q.2 Which country is best for studying?
A.2 Indian students will have the best educational experience studying in Australia, the UK, and the USA. These countries offer a great experience to international students as well as a high-quality education. Students can have the best education by also knowing which are the best courses to study abroad for Indian students.

Q.3 How to choose a study abroad program for Indian students?
A.3 Indian students looking to choose the best program should first carry out research. After this, they must then connect their research, subjects and interests, and market demands. Based on these, they will find the best courses to study abroad.

Q.4 How long are most graduate and undergraduate programs abroad?
A.4 Most undergraduate programs take 4 years to complete. Graduate programs take anywhere between 1 and 3 years to complete. Duration may also depend on the mode of learning, it may differ if learning full-time or part-time.

Q.5 What is the difference between studying abroad and studying in India?
A.5 Studying abroad opens up several advantages to a quality education, networking, personal development, and career choices. Also, international universities are the first to implement new technologies and teaching methods.

Deepak Shukla

Author: Deepak Shukla