Studying abroad is an interesting prospect for Indian students. However, with the demands of studying, being in a new country, and a lifestyle change, students wonder if there are any opportunities for earning while studying abroad. One of the benefits of studying abroad is that students are allowed to accept part-time work opportunities as long as they are within the limits.
Finding part-time work online while you are in an overseas country is an ideal way of passing time, earning some money, and adapting to your new life. Three popular countries that allow international students to study abroad while working part-time are the United States of America (USA), United Kingdom (UK), and Australia.
Whether or not international students are allowed to study abroad and work at the same time will depend on the country in which they are studying. Certain student-friendly countries such as Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America are popular destinations for students looking to study but also benefit from part-time work experience.
Work opportunities for international students even if it is just for a few hours every week have enormous benefits for students who are in a new country!
Students will be able to learn about the country’s culture and history, take a break from studying, as well as earn a bit of money. More importantly, it helps students in offsetting their living expenses.
International student part-time employment can also lead to socialising which would help shy, less confident individuals to build up courage and character, two qualities that would greatly help students in their day-to-day lives on campus and off-campus as well.
Regulations regarding the number of hours and visa requirements for international students to work part-time will vary depending on the country. Take a look at what the rules are in the USA, UK, and Australia.
Interest in studying in Australia has picked up drastically over the past few years. The introduction of affiliations between universities in the country and Indian education providers has led to more Indian students choosing this scenic country that features a generally impressive education system that suits international students.
Students enrolled in an Australian university are allowed to work for a maximum of 20 hours per week while they are able to work for an unlimited number of hours while on study breaks.
The United Kingdom immediately prompts thoughts of excellence in education, and rightfully so when it is home to Cambridge and Oxford Universities. The chances of landing an internship or apprenticeship from a company in the United Kingdom are high and being able to do so would greatly increase hands-on experience that is valuable and highly useful for later jobs.
Students who are enrolled in a United Kingdom university for full-time programs lasting more than six months are able to accept part-time work for 20 hours per week in paid or unpaid jobs. The students can also work full-time during the vacation period which may differ from university to university.
Did you know Indian students starting their education journey with The WorldGrad will be eligible for an internship with a UK-based company post-completion of their first year?
The United States of America is a common destination for Indian students. A diverse and cultural backdrop, several university and program options, and a generally well-rounded education system
Work opportunities for international students studying in the USA are available so long as they have the appropriate visa and limit themselves to a maximum of 20 hours per week during the academic year. During university breaks, students will be able to work full-time for unlimited hours.
Students studying abroad should not exceed their work limits because there are dire consequences for doing so!
Students working for more hours than allowed could lead to a loss of student status. Another possible repercussion is having your study or work permit revoked, also you could have your visa revoked as well and may be asked to leave the country.
Students who are new to the idea of studying abroad and part-time working will probably not know where to start in looking for these options. To get such students on the right path, we have compiled a list of study abroad and part-time employment tips for first-time students.
To avoid any legal issues and possible visa cancellation, students should first familiarise themselves with the country’s visa regulations and work hour limitations.
While part-time working while studying abroad has its benefits, students should prioritise studying and ensure there is enough time for studying and resting after attending lectures.
While looking for part-time work online or in-person, students can first enquire about on-campus opportunities and perhaps get advice about other off-campus opportunities.
English may not be every foreign student’s first language, but, international student part-time employment could greatly improve language skills and this will boost your ability to study better and get better working opportunities later on.
Students who work part-time and study abroad could set themselves up for an enhanced academic journey by gaining valuable work experience and a better understanding of the country and culture.
Australia, the UK, and the USA are all popular destinations for Indian students to start their academic dreams. Although all of these countries offer the ability to work part-time, care should be taken to review the visa guidelines and rules to ensure students stay within the legal working limits.
A1. Yes, one of the benefits of studying abroad is the possibility for students to work and study abroad and work part-time after fulfilling student obligations. However, care should be taken to check the regulations and ensure that you do not break them. Also, studies should be prioritised and a part-time job that is mentally or physically demanding and could affect studies, should not be chosen.
A2. Although it may not be very difficult to find on-campus part-time jobs, competition may be high for these jobs as many students will find it more convenient to work part-time jobs from campus.