The WorldGrad Featured in Inc 42’s Top Startups – NEWS

Reading Time 2 minutes/Published on 02-10-2022

Article Featured On: Inc42


Launched in 2020, the themes of the 30 Startups To Watch list have evolved, reflecting real-time changes in the startup ecosystem

So far, the Inc42 team has featured 900+ disruptive tech startups set up between 2018 and 2022

In our 32nd edition, there are 15 enterprise tech startups, four ecommerce players and four fintech entities

To know more must check out the full article –


Stanley Lazarus Chelli

Author: Stanley Lazarus Chelli

Stanley is our seasoned writer known for his deep knowledge of the ed-tech industry. He delivers insightful and impactful content that resonates with readers. Beyond his exceptional writing abilities, he is a die-hard petrolhead with a profound love for the automotive industry. Additionally, Stanley is a soon-to-be professional keyboardist.