Describe a Skill that was Difficult for You to Learn: IELTS Cue Card

Describe a Skill that was Difficult for You to Learn: IELTS Cue Card

Reading Time 5 minutes/Published 22-6-2023

Describe a Skill that was Difficult for You to Learn

As students embark on their study abroad journeys, they encounter opportunities to acquire new skills that contribute to their personal and professional growth. In the IELTS speaking test, candidates are assessed on their ability to communicate effectively in English, including their proficiency in discussing various topics. One of the popular IELTS cue card topics is “Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn.” In this blog, we will guide you on how to approach and write about this cue card topic, allowing you to showcase your determination, perseverance, and adaptability when faced with challenges.


IELTS Speaking Test Format

The IELTS speaking test comprises three parts.

  1. Introduction and interview-style questions 
  2. The topic for the cue card 
  3. Follow-up questions


Understanding IELTS Cue Cards

Cue cards play a vital role in the speaking test, providing students with specific topics to discuss. In the case of the cue card topic “Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn,” candidates are expected to reflect on a skill they struggled with and share their experiences, learning process, and eventual achievements. This task allows students to demonstrate their ability to articulate their thoughts coherently, utilise a wide range of vocabulary, and effectively communicate their growth and progress.


How to Answer “Describe a Skill that was Difficult for You to Learn” — Cue Card for IELTS

1. Select a Challenging Skill:

Choose a skill that presents significant difficulty for you during the learning process. It could be an academic skill, a practical skill, or a skill related to personal development or hobbies. Select a skill that pushed you out of your comfort zone, required dedicated effort, and demanded persistence and determination to master.

2. Outline the Structure:

To write a compelling response, organise your thoughts in a clear and logical manner. Structure your response using the following format:

a. Introduction:
Introduce the challenging skill, providing a brief overview of what it entails and why it was difficult for you to learn.

b. Skill Description:
Describe the specific aspects of the skill that made it challenging for you. Discuss the complexities, technicalities, or concepts that you found particularly difficult to grasp.

c. Learning Process:
Share your approach to learning the skill. Discuss the strategies, resources, or mentors you utilised to navigate the difficulties you encountered. Highlight the time and effort you invested in practice and improvement.

d. Overcoming Challenges:
Detail the challenges you faced during the learning process and how you overcame them. Discuss any setbacks, frustrations, or doubts you experienced and the methods you employed to persevere and continue progressing.

e. Personal Growth:
Reflect on the personal growth and development you experienced as a result of learning the skill. Discuss the lessons learned, the new perspectives gained, and the positive impact they had on your life.

f. Achievements and Proficiency:
Share your achievements and current level of proficiency in the skill. Discuss how far you have come since starting the learning journey and the milestones or accomplishments you have achieved along the way.

g. Conclusion:
Summarise the significance of the challenging skill you learned, emphasising the personal growth, resilience, and adaptability you gained through the experience.

3. Language and Vocabulary:

Employ a diverse range of vocabulary and grammatical structures to enhance your response. Use descriptive words and phrases to convey the intricacies and challenges of the skill. Showcase your linguistic capabilities by incorporating appropriate verb tenses, idiomatic expressions, and connectors to create a compelling narrative.

4. Provide Specific Examples and Evidence:

To make your response more engaging and persuasive, provide specific examples and evidence to support your claims. Share instances, anecdotes, or specific achievements that illustrate your journey of learning the skill. By providing concrete evidence, you demonstrate the authenticity and depth of your experience.

5. Practice and Rehearse:

Practice delivering your response aloud to develop fluency, coherence, and confident delivery. Pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, and pacing. Practise maintaining eye contact and using natural body language to enhance your overall presentation. Seek feedback from teachers, peers, or language partners to refine your ideas and delivery.



The IELS cue card, describing a skill that was difficult for you to learn, allows you to demonstrate your determination, perseverance, and adaptability. By carefully selecting a challenging skill, outlining your response effectively, and utilising rich vocabulary, you can vividly convey your journey of learning and growth. Embrace this cue card topic as an opportunity to showcase your ability to overcome obstacles and acquire new capabilities. Let your story inspire and impress the examiners as you recount a challenging endeavour that transformed you into a more skilled and resilient individual.

Read more:

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Deepak Shukla

Author: Deepak Shukla