Describe an Ambition that You Haven’t Achieved: IELTS Cue Card

Describe an Ambition that You Haven’t Achieved: IELTS Cue Card

Reading Time 5 minutes/Published 13-6-2023

IELTS cue cards, also known as IELTS speaking cue cards or IELTS speaking topic cards, are part of the speaking section in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) examination. One such common cue card is — to describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved. 


IELTS Speaking Test Format

The IELTS speaking test is designed to assess your ability to communicate effectively in English and consists of three parts: 

Part 1: Introduction and interview-style questions about yourself, your family, work/study, hobbies, etc.

Part 2: IELTS cue card topics – You are given a cue card with a specific topic and have one minute to prepare your response. Then, you speak on the topic for up to two minutes.

Part 3: Follow-up questions related to the cue card topic, where you discuss the topic in-depth.


IELTS Cue Cards

A cue card for IELTS contains a prompt or a question related to a specific topic. It aims to test your ability to organise and express your thoughts coherently and use a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures to present your ideas fluently.

The cue cards cover a wide range of topics, such as describing a person, a place, an event, an object, or discussing a problem, an opinion, or a current issue. The topics are relevant to everyday life and general knowledge, so it’s important to have a good understanding of various subjects and express your thoughts effectively.

To perform well in the IELTS speaking test, it’s beneficial to practise answering cue card topics, develop your speaking skills, and familiarise yourself with the test format and requirements. This can help you feel more confident and perform better on the actual exam.


How to Answer ‘Describe an Ambition that You Haven’t Achieved’ – IELTS Cue Card

How to Answer ‘Describe an Ambition that You Haven't Achieved’ - IELTS Cue Card

As part of the IELTS speaking test, the cue card topic “Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved” challenges students to reflect on their aspirations and articulate their thoughts effectively. In this blog, we will guide you on how to approach and write about this popular cue card topic. We will help you showcase your abilities by leaving a lasting impression on the examiners.

1. Choose an Ambition:

So, how do you describe an ambition? Begin by selecting an ambition that holds personal significance to you. It could be a long-held dream, a career aspiration, or a personal goal. Consider ambitions related to academic achievements, professional success, artistic pursuits, social impact, or personal development. Opt for an ambition that genuinely resonates with you, allowing you to speak passionately.

The passion with which you speak is observed by the examiner, so you must choose an ambition that holds true to you.

2. Structure your Response:

To write an engaging response, structure your thoughts coherently. You have one minute to do so. While it may seem intimidating, you can structure your thoughts if you stay calm. Follow this outline:

a.Introduction: Provide a concise overview of the ambition and why it matters to you.

b. Explanation: Elaborate on the reasons behind your ambition, the impact it holds, and the challenges you faced in pursuing it.

c. Reflect on Unfulfillment: Discuss the reasons why you haven’t achieved your ambition yet. Be honest and introspective while reflecting on personal limitations, external circumstances, or unexpected obstacles.

d. Lessons and Growth: Highlight the valuable lessons you’ve learned through your journey and how they have contributed to your personal and professional growth.

e. Future Plans: Share your action plans to achieve your ambition in the future, demonstrating resilience, determination, and adaptability.

3. Language and Vocabulary:

To enhance your response, incorporate a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Utilise descriptive words and phrases to express your emotions, aspirations, and challenges. Showcase your linguistic capabilities by employing idiomatic expressions, appropriate verb tenses, and connectors to create a smooth flow of ideas.

4. Maintain a Balanced Tone:

While discussing an unfulfilled ambition, it is essential to strike a balance between optimism and realism. Express your disappointment honestly, but convey your determination to overcome setbacks and achieve your goals. By maintaining a positive and forward-looking attitude, you demonstrate your resilience and perseverance.

5. Practice and Feedback:

Writing alone is not sufficient to excel in the speaking section. Practice delivering your response aloud to develop fluency and coherence. Seek feedback from teachers, peers, or language partners to refine your ideas, pronunciation, and overall delivery. Pay attention to your body language, intonation, and eye contact to create a compelling presentation.


Describing an ambition that you haven’t achieved provides a platform to showcase your ability to introspect, set goals, and plan for the future. By carefully selecting an ambition that resonates with you, structuring your response effectively, and utilising rich vocabulary, you can present a compelling narrative that demonstrates personal growth and resilience. 

Embrace this cue card topic as an opportunity for self-reflection and self-improvement, and let it serve as a stepping stone towards realising your ambitions, both within the IELTS exam and beyond.

Remember, studying abroad is not just about academic achievements but also about personal growth, and the ability to articulate your ambitions and aspirations is an essential skill that will serve you well in your future endeavours. Good luck!

Read more:

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Deepak Shukla

Author: Deepak Shukla